Sunday, April 19, 2009


Spring break has come to a close, and I am really dreading going to school tomorrow.  Ironically though, I spent a great deal of my break thinking of school exclusively.  This may sound boring or even depressing, but it was just the opposite. It was thrilling.  This is because that portion of my break was spent looking at colleges.  For me, that is incredibly exciting.  I am one hundred percent ready for that part of my life, minus a few high school credits.  

It is not that I hate high school or anything like that.  In fact, I have really enjoyed high school.  I like my school, and I love my friends.  I just, well, this is quite difficult to phrase.  I feel like I am on some kind of biological timer, and it is quite rapidly approaching the time when I am supposed to leave what I know, and go do my own thing.  I can feel it.  My own life is about to erupt out of me.  I love my home and the people in it, but I can't stay here forever.

This last year I have I am going to make the most of, but I feel certain that I will be rather antsy all year.  I am incredibly indecisive, so chances are I will not know where it is I will be starting this new chapter of my life called "college" until this time next year, but dear Lord am I ready.  I am not wishing my life away, and I am not hoping the year will speed up.  I have simply come to realize that if I were to wake up tomorrow and it magically be graduation day, it would be bittersweet, but I would be ready to embrace life. 

Friday, April 10, 2009


Prom has passed, Gala is out of the way, And Spring Break has now officially begun.  We are a pretty good ways into the fourth quarter of the year. Everyone has spring fever, and many of my friends have bad cases of senioritis.  

Part of having many friends with senioritis is having may friends who are seniors.  Part of having many friends who are seniors, is having many friends who will soon be graduating and leaving.  Since I am still a junior, I have another year left here in Florence, while many of my close friends get to go out and try their own thing.  I admit that I am quite jealous, and very impatient.  I know that I should value and cherish the time I have left in high school, but it is difficult when some of the people are part of my fondest high school memories will no longer be around to create more on a day to day basis.  I'm going to be fine, but I'm going to miss them a lot. I've come to accept that next year will be very different, but I really hope that my senior year will be as much fun as my friends in the class of '09, and I fully expect it to be.