Monday, November 16, 2009

Attempting to Catch Up

I am really failing miserably lately at blogging.

The goal of this blog was determined to be telling the tale of the class of 2010.  Right. 

Our football season went out with a bang. A bang to the head that is. We got killed, all the way through. We won one single game all season. But, I really think my class wins the award for the most school spirit. We were still out their cheering for our Knights, rain or shine, hot or cold (and that last game, it was cold). 

A few people have heard back from colleges...not I. But, are the rest of us sweating it? Certainly not. We have much bigger tasks at hand, such as preparing for Tri-Hi-Y, the winter formal hosted by the Tri-Hi-Y girls service club, of which I am chaplain. I am basically leaving the heavy duty planning to my friends. I have my dress, and my date, so I am set. :)

Oh, and I got a job.  Handpicked just opened a store in Florence, so I of course applied for a job instantaneously.  I start work on Wednesday and I am crazy excited. 

Oh, and I got a 93 on my last Calculus test. Look who's smart now!