Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So much has happened since my last entry that I really have no idea at all where to even begin. Let's just say I am now a high school gradaute, single, have some of the most amazing new friends anyone could ever ask for, and am completely stoked about what God is going to do this summer.

Let me start with the single bit. Really all I have to say about it is that people cannot be replaced. At least, not for me. Every person who enters my life touches me and changes me in someway, some more than others. Recently, God has blessed me with people who have both brightened my days and taught me some very difficult lessons. I got to see first hand what it looks like when God stops a someone who is running away from Him dead in their tracks, rocks their world, and changes their life. I am confident that God will continue a good work in the lives of those with whom He has blessed me. I do not always understand why things happen. I have learned that God is not just going to simply give me answers, but that He is going to reveal Himself to me, bit by bit. And that, is a beautiful thing.

So yeah, I'm a graduate. Dun dun dun. I could not be more excited about going away to school. Period. I just got back from orientation at Clemson, and I felt like it was a teaser of sorts. I just want to be there. Now.

Now allow me to cover the amazing new friends. I served as a junior counselor at Palmetto Girls State last week. The fact that it was last week breaks my heart. Watching my delgates grow and come out of their shells over the week filled me with joy from remembering what that felt like for me. Additionally, all the other JCs made a huge impression on me. A few of them I already knew, but most of them I was really getting to know for the first time. Talk about blessings. God, in his infinite wisdom, placed me right in the middle of about 20 of the strongest girls in the state right when I was feeling the weakest. They became like sisters to me, and there are a few of them that I really do not know what I ever did without. Their jokes, smiles, pretty faces, kind words, advice, and really just willingness to put up with my crap made them some of the best friends I could ever want. From screaming together until our voices were gone, to attempting to throw a decent skit together, to our wonderful lunch sessions, etc, etc, the memories we made are not going to fade anytime soon. I am beyond thrilled that FIVE of them will be at Clemson with me in the fall. Those that aren't, better be expecting some road trippers to be headed their way!

I think the overall theme of this entry is that God uses people to show us things that we couldn't figure out by ourselves. I have been taught the power of change, seen what miracles look like, and seen live examples of strength, beauty, and love. Thank God for other people. Thank God for his wisdom.