Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Good Days & Great Music =]

I don't really have much to blog about tonight, I just wanted to make a note that I am in a really good mood today.  It has just been one of those days that everything feels right and seems to be going my way.  On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd rate it as a 9. 

I also wanted to suggest that everyone check out Drake & Jonathan's, aka "Without Answer's" music page on Facebook. Also, if you still haven't listened to their newly recorded CD "Be The Change", you should really look into getting a copy.  I would listen to it even if I didn't know and love these guys.  They have God-Given talent and if you like acoustic stuff, you will really enjoy their CD.  "Caronline's Song," "Like A Wave," "That's Not It," and of course "Be The Change," are some of my favorites.  But really, the whole CD is great. So I dare you, check out the music on Facebook, and look into getting a CD.  If you would like a CD, please consider making a small donation to the "Drake & Jonathan Need To Go Back Into The Studio To Record Super Amazing New Music Fund." Of which, I am the new self-proclaimed spokesperson.  Thanks so much!

Check out Drake & Jonathan @ : http://www.facebook.com/pages/without-answer/91264210214

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Less-Stress Plan

I found out today from a very reliable source that some people actually read this.  I mean, I knew that one of my friends did, but I thought he was probably the only one.  I figured this blog was basically a series of letters written to him.  And as much fun as that could be, I am very excited to learn that other people are reading as well, and I hope I do not disappoint you.

I had a great talk with a close friend of mine tonight about unnecessary things that can add unwanted stress to your life.  Some habits that many high school students, or anyone for that matter, have just bring unnecessary drama upon them.  Personally, I am stressed enough as it is.  I already have school, Knight Edition, dance, church, babysitting multiple times a week, Wyldlife, various school clubs, not to mention my social life keeping me very busy.  I really don't have time for extra stress from pointless drama that can easily be avoided.

I'm pretty good at avoiding it for the most part.  I try to avoid situations that could create drama, or anything that I think could have negative consequences.  Of course I don't always succeed, but I think I'm pretty good about it.  So my goal for this week is to start cutting out anything that could potentially cause unnecessary drama in an attempt to create less stress. Let's see how it goes.

I hope this post made sense.  I was trying not to outright name specific names or habits.  I think you probably got the gist of it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Letting Go, or Handing Over?

Sometimes it feels like you are losing people.  I am no stranger to this feeling.  I am a big fan of fighting against losing friends.  But there are a few friends that I think if I try to hold out any longer I will just lose them that much faster, and probably permanently.  Now, I have no idea if doing nothing will make the loss only temporary or not.  It may still be permanent.  But I do think that it is a safer move than hanging on.  

Because, hanging on would be like hanging on to a vapor.  They have already removed the friendship that was, and that was probably partially my fault as well, but regardless, what was is gone. What's left is not entirely empty, but it is so small compared to what was.  There is no point in clinging to a memory by putting so much effort into what is there now. It is tiring, and disappointing.  

I hope this person knows that I am going to be there for them still if they need me, though I seriously doubt they will call upon me for help.  I'm going to let go purely because it is healthy and they haven't really left me another choice, not because I want to.  If I had the choice, I would hang on as if letting go would make me fall to my death.  But that choice is not mine.  

"Just let go" is such a cliche phrase.  There is so much more to it than that, and it means different things to everyone.  I am no good at grasping the concept of letting go.  I'm trying to learn to just hand things, and people, over to God.  Somehow that seems more loyal than letting go.  In a way I feel like letting go of certain friends makes it appear that I don't care, and that is completely inaccurate.  Handing them over to God feels like a more loving way to go about it.  I still care, I have just accepted there is nothing I can do to keep them in my life. And as much as I love them, God loves them even more.  There is no kinder thing I can do for them than to hand them over to God.  Their affiliation with me is in God's hands.  

The reason I chose to blog about this, is because I think it will help me stick to my decision to leave it all to God.  I've said it and it's public,  even though the reader here has no clue who I'm referring to, well except a select few.  And even those of you who think you know who I am referring to, I think I know your guess, and if I'm correct then you are guessing wrong.  But even still, you have been informed of my decision and I'm going to stick to what I've told you.

I certainly hope that there will be a time when they are once again a significant part of my life, but now is not that time.  "But it's no victory, always running away like I do.  Always know that I'll come back to you.  Yes, always know that I'll come back to you."-Jack's Mannequin. 

Saturday, February 21, 2009

For Michael =)

I dream.  I dream ridiculously real dreams that I still believe are real after I wake up.  Then I figure out bit by bit that they aren't within about five minutes.

Sometimes, this disappoints me.  I want to go back to sleep, and let things be the way they were in my dream.  But that is not reality.  It brings a whole new light to the term "wake up call." It is funny how consistent my dreams are.  My situation is the same in most of them, just the happenings are different from day to day, or I guess in this case night to night.  Kind of like real life. 

But, here is the exciting thing: my life is just as good as my dreams, if not better.  My life is in God's hands.  Whatever happens to me, he already has mapped out.  He works all things out for the good of those who love him. What a blessing.  And I have been given some amazing friends to help me along the way.  And if he has decided to give me very sweet dreams at night to keep me entertained, well who am I to complain?



Okay, so I can reveal the cause of my excitement now. Are you ready? Here it goes:


And as if that isn't exciting enough in and of itself, get this: It is fully paid for.  The only thing I have to pay for is my food on the bus ride there and back.  Can you believe it, because I sure can't. 

This is how it happened: "A Style Above" is a designer based out of Miami.  They were scheduled to do a fashion show here in Florence, and came to watch Knight Edition rehearse last week to see if they wanted us to perform.  They said they were very impressed with our material, as well as our attitudes and manners.  However, they did not sell enough tickets to make doing a show in Florence profitable for them.  

So Mr. Davis called us out of 4th block to tell us that the fashion show had been canceled.  I thought, "Oh well, whatever."  Then he told us that the company's one year anniversary  is in a month, and that they are having a big celebration down in Miami, and wanted us to perform.  Needless to say that alone made my day, but when he told us that they had agreed to pay for our transportation, hotel, food, and we would be performing multiple times, I could barely contain myself.  I just sat there in my chair with my hand over my gaping mouth.  

The reason I could not explain yesterday was because some of the seniors in Knight Edition have early dismissal, so they did not get the news until today at our mall performance.  They too were shocked and thrilled.  Kristen Lawson was stomping and praising Jesus, as always. =)

On top of all of that, Grace Lewallen made All State Chorus, so she and Mr. Davis have to go to Rock Hill that weekend.  They will finish up on Saturday, and the rest of us will have already left on Friday.  This may appear to present a problem, but oh no.  The company has offered to FLY Grace and Mr. Davis to Miami. Can you believe it? 

I really just feel so blessed to have this opportunity.  I am really looking forward to bonding with my class again.  We went to Disney World in December, and that was an incredible trip.  However this time, we  are performing more, and going for FREE!! Mr. Davis told us this had never happened before.  I am so honored to be a part of Knight Edition right now. 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Can't Stop Smiling

At the current moment I am completely ecstatic.  I cannot explain why until tomorrow afternoon when all who are involved have been informed of the reason for my excitement, but I really cannot stop smiling! I received some ridiculously good news this afternoon that effects me and several people I am close to.  There really isn't much else I can say about without giving anything away...but I will definitely fill in the gaps tomorrow!

All afternoon I have been with Shannon, looking for a birthday present for our lovely little Lindsay! I am very excited about it, and am going to stop blogging now so that I can go to her birthday dinner.  I can't wait to explain my excitement tomorrow! =)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Here It Goes...

I've decided to start blogging.  Could I have waited until the morning to do so instead of starting at one o'clock in the morning? Yes, but that would defeat the purpose, which right now is to put off outlining my research paper for as long as possible.  I'm not quite sure if I like the title "High Wattage" just yet, so you'll have to let me know if you have any better ideas.  Another reason I've decided to create this blog is because Michael was talking about his today, and it really made me jealous.  

I know you hate for me to end this riveting entry into my newly-created blog so soon, but I suppose I should really outline that paper.  I'm writing about changes in fashion over the 20th century, as are about six other girls in my class.  I was going to do immigrants or something more unique, but it would have required much more energy, energy that I frankly don't have right now.